When we look at ourselves and compare ourselves to what "our" definition of "good" is, many times we don't see a lot of difference. We do good things in life, we stay away from those things that we know are wrong, and we judge ourselves based on our understanding. But God has tremendously higher standards. In fact, we are judged directly against Him, that's why we never measure up! Since God is perfectly holy and sinless, we need to be the same in order to be in His presence, especially for an eternity. That's where Jesus comes in. Jesus fills the void by accepting the punishment for our sins, allowing us to have a brand new start, and while God holds us accountable to His standards Jesus says "they're mine, I paid for them, so look at me when you are looking for who they are." This changes the situation dramatically! When God looks at a believer in Jesus like me, He doesn't see my failures, instead He sees His Son Jesus, and His righteousness. Problem solved.
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