If that’s the case, whew, it changes everything dramatically! It reminds me that I was created to live forever, eternally! And if that’s the case, what for? It seems so ridiculous that God would create me, as an eternal being, without any real purpose. So, there must be a reason that I exist. A reason that has been designed by God. A reason that must fit into the eternal plan that God has. So, today, as I look ahead into the future, way past my brief existence on the earth, I better re-think my daily life. Am I temporal focused, on just these few short years, or, am I focused on eternity, realizing that God created me for a purpose, and if I am not fulfilling that purpose, the future will be pretty bleak.
NOTE TO SELF: Eternity is a long time, let’s see, live eternally without God, hope, purpose, or, live with Hiim and for Him enjoying the perfect purpose for which I was born in the first place.
NOTE TO SELF: Eternity is a long time, let’s see, live eternally without God, hope, purpose, or, live with Hiim and for Him enjoying the perfect purpose for which I was born in the first place.