Ever feel the burdens of life simply pressing down on you, and, you simply cannot understand “why?” Have you ever experienced the struggles of life only to pass through them without any victorious parade of accomplishment? Sometimes I am crushed in my spirit, and I don’t comprehend the reasons, I just hurt.
This seems to be the path that Jesus said we would have to experience in order to follow Him. It makes me want to “give up” and just get through, but I know that if I let my heart feel that way, I am dishonoring God and undermining our relationship.
I’m pretty sure that the Disciples felt this way at times also. I can almost hear their conversation about what they were “giving up” in order to follow Him, and they assuredly talked about the “cost” of following Him. Was it worth it? Does it make any sense? Isn't there a much better way?
I've come to understand that the Christian journey for any of us in this world will be filled with challenge, pain, difficulty, half-hearted commitments and an overwhelming sense of dullness in the soul. But it doesn't have to be that way! Jesus told us
Revelation 2:8–11 "Be faithful to the point of death, and I will give you the crown of life"
I don’t think Jesus would mention this unless pain, suffering and depression were not expected, if not guaranteed. It’s going to be tough … so …
NOTE TO SELF: Focus on Jesus, not the waves …
This seems to be the path that Jesus said we would have to experience in order to follow Him. It makes me want to “give up” and just get through, but I know that if I let my heart feel that way, I am dishonoring God and undermining our relationship.
I’m pretty sure that the Disciples felt this way at times also. I can almost hear their conversation about what they were “giving up” in order to follow Him, and they assuredly talked about the “cost” of following Him. Was it worth it? Does it make any sense? Isn't there a much better way?
I've come to understand that the Christian journey for any of us in this world will be filled with challenge, pain, difficulty, half-hearted commitments and an overwhelming sense of dullness in the soul. But it doesn't have to be that way! Jesus told us
Revelation 2:8–11 "Be faithful to the point of death, and I will give you the crown of life"
I don’t think Jesus would mention this unless pain, suffering and depression were not expected, if not guaranteed. It’s going to be tough … so …
NOTE TO SELF: Focus on Jesus, not the waves …